associative array of associative arrays.

dennis luehring dl.soluz at
Thu Aug 12 22:35:39 PDT 2010

Am 13.08.2010 01:17, schrieb dcoder:

string[string][string] leaders

or try using alias to "see" the light

alias string[string] city_info;

city_info[string] leaders;

> Hello.  How do you declare and initialize a map that looks like the following:
> Name =>  [ Personal Info]
> Where personal info is type string[string].
> I can't get this to compile.  I'm wondering what I am doing wrong:
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
>    int[string] helloworld = [ "Hello":0, "World":1 ];
>    foreach( k,v;helloworld) {
>      writefln( "%s ->  %s", k, v);
>    }
>    writefln( "helloworld type: %s", typeid(helloworld));
>    string[string] table = [ "City":"Boston", "Title":"Vice President" ];
>    foreach( k, v; table) {
>      writefln( "%s: %s", k, v);
>    }
>    // Here's the problem:
>    string[string[string]] leaders = [ "Obama":["City":"DC", "Title":"ThePrez"],
> 				    "Cameron":["City":"London", "Title":"DaPrimeMinista"]];
>    foreach( k, v; leaders) {
>      writefln( "first foreach type: %s", typeid(v));
>      writefln( "Person: %s", k);
>      foreach( kk, vv; v) {
>        writefln( "\t%s\t%s", kk, vv);
>      }
>    }
>    return;
> }
> Here's the output:
> $ dmd AssocArray.d
> AssocArray.d(25): Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of "City"
> AssocArray.d(25): Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of "Title"
> AssocArray.d(25): Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of "City"
> AssocArray.d(25): Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of "Title"
> AssocArray.d(24): Error: not an associative array initializer
> $ dmd --help
> Digital Mars D Compiler v2.047
> Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
> Documentation:
> thanks
> dcoder

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