unittest questions

Johannes Pfau spam at example.com
Thu Aug 19 11:08:33 PDT 2010

Hi, I wrote some unittests using the built-in d unittest and a came
across 2 problems:

1) I have some code that accepts both delegates and functions. How can a
unittest explicitly check the function part? Whenever I add a function
in an unittest block it becomes a delegate.
void add(T)(T handler) if (is(T == void function())){}
void add(T)(T handler) if (is(T == void delegate())){}

    //always a delegate
    void handler() {};

2) I know Errors should not be caught. But when I expect a function to
throw in debug mode, but not necessarily in release mode (assert), I
have to check for both Errors and Exceptions --> Throwable. Is it OK to
catch Throwables in this case?
    void handler() {};
    bool thrown = false;
        thrown = true;


Johannes Pfau

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