Problems with stdio.byLine() in D Book

Chris A CodexArcanum at
Thu Dec 16 10:45:03 PST 2010

Hey all, I'm going over some examples in Alexandrescu's book, but I guess something has changed in the language because the example isn't working for me.

The simple example:

void main(string[] args)
	uint[string] freqs;
	foreach(lines; stdin.byLine()) {
		foreach(word; split(strip(lines))) {
	foreach(key, value; freqs){
		writefln("%6u\t%s", value, key);

This throws an error during compile, like:
main.d(11): Error: no property 'ByLine' for type '_iobuf'
main.d(11): Error: function expected before (), not 1 of type int
main.d(11): Error: foreach: int is not an aggregate type

So seemingly byLine is no longer an existing function on stdin.  What is the current version of what this code is trying to do?

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