DMD on x86_64

Robert Clipsham robert at
Mon Feb 15 15:46:57 PST 2010

On 15/02/10 21:44, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> I've been wanting to try D2 properly for a while now, but as I use linux
>> x86-64 I've had to resort to using a virtual machine, which is really
>> off putting when I just want to play around with it. I've read multiple
>> threads about getting dmd working with a multilib system, but I still
>> can't get it working, here's what I've tried:
> These instructions should work, I haven't tested but others say they
> work:
> I had originally posted this question to SO and it gave me a better
> understanding of what the issue were:
> I found that after installing the proper -dev packages you don't need
> to specify the linking format.

I don't use ubuntu, so those instructions don't apply to me. I've tried 
to make sure I've got all the required 32 bit libs, can't be sure 
though, my guess is there's still some missing. I've installed the 32 
bit libs for gcc, that seems to miss out whatever's included in ubuntu's 
gcc-multilib package.

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