When is array-to-array cast legal, and what does actually happen?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 22 14:51:04 PST 2010

Is the following cast legal with dmd 2.040?

struct MyChar
     dchar d;

     this(dchar param)
     in {
         assert(false);       // not called
         d = param;
         assert(d != param);  // not called

     in {
         assert(false);       // not called
         assert(d != d);      // not called

void main()
     MyChar[] mine = cast(MyChar[])("hello"d);   // legal?
     assert(mine[0].d == 'h');

I see that neither the constructor nor the postblit is called. 
Apparently the bit representation is used. This has the risk of 
violating struct invariants.

Is it legal?

Thank you,

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