Templates with strings

BCS none at anon.com
Sat Jul 3 17:43:50 PDT 2010

Hello Mike,

> I'm trying to compile the following file. Can somebody explain to me
> how I can rewrite it so that I don't get "Error: non-constant
> expression"? All I'm trying to do is create, using templates, a string
> of all characters between two given characters:

1) where did you get that error? (I'm lazy, sorry)
2) is there a reason you don't use CTFE?

dchar[] Between(dchar start, dchar stop)
  if(start > stop) { auto t = start; start = stop; stop = t; }

  dchar[] ret;
  for(dchar d = start; d<=stop; d++) ret ~= d;
  return ret;

import std.stdio;
void Go(dchar[] s)(){writef("%s\n", s); }
void main(){Go!(Between('a','g'))();}

> 1 module ua;
> 2
> 3 template dcharInterval(immutable(dchar) start, immutable(dchar)
> stop)
> 4 {
> 5    static assert(stop >= start);
> 6    static if(start == stop)
> 7       dstring dcharInterval = [start];
> 8    else
> 9       dstring dcharInterval = [start] ~ dcharInterval!(start + 1,
> stop);
> 10 }
> 11
> 12 dstring LATIN = "\u00AA"d ~ "\u00BA"d ~ dcharInterval!(0x00C0,
> 0x00D6);
> 13
> Thanks.
... <IXOYE><

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