Trouble with OPTLINK

Aardvark Soup tomtervoort at
Sun Nov 14 03:11:10 PST 2010

Op 13-11-2010 22:14, bearophile schreef:
> Aardvark Soup:
>> I've already tried cleaning up all build files and adding the current
>> directory to the system PATH, both to no avail. This does not happen
>> while I compile single-file programs that import from the standard
>> library. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
> This is a problem that Walter seems to think it doesn't exist.
> The solution is to add all the module names you use in the command line.
> Bye,
> bearophile

Ah, of course! Thanks, the problem is solved now. I've been so used to 
using IDE's when programming in C++ and Java when programmng multi-file 
projects I always assumed this was generally being done automatically as 
long as all files were in the same folder.

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