Map and arrays

Tom tom at
Sun Nov 28 11:38:15 PST 2010

El 28/11/2010 08:19, bearophile escribió:
> Tom:
>> What should I do? Is there some way to get the original array type?
> This code shows two ways to solve your problem:
> import std.stdio: writeln;
> import std.algorithm: map;
> import std.conv: to;
> import std.traits: ForeachType;
> import std.array: array;
> void foo(Range)(Range srange) if (is(ForeachType!Range == string)) {
>       writeln(srange);
> }
> void bar(string[] sarray) {
>       writeln(sarray);
> }
> void main() {
>      int[] arr = [1, 2, 3];
>      auto srange = map!(to!string)(arr);
>      foo(srange);
>      string[] sarr = array(srange);
>      bar(sarr);
> }
> They are good for different purposes, but in many cases the foo() version is good.
> If you want to simplify your code a little you may define a helper template like this:
> template IsIterableType(Range, T) {
>      enum bool IsIterableType = is(ForeachType!Range == T);
> }
> void foo2(Range)(Range srange) if (IsIterableType!(Range, string)) {
>       writeln(srange);
> }
> Bye,
> bearophile

Thank's, I'll take a look...


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