std.container: SList linearRemove confusion

Johannes Pfau spam at
Thu Oct 7 10:36:43 PDT 2010

On 07.10.2010 19:09, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Oct 2010 12:44:48 -0400, Johannes Pfau <spam at> wrote:
>> Is this really the expected behavior for linearRemove?
> Yes, an SList range is terminated by a null pointer, so there is no
> limit to how far it will iterate.
> Try to construct an SList range (without using Take) that doesn't
> iterate the rest of the list.

OK, that makes sense.
> Yes, fix it in your local copy :)  It is a seldom used construct, so
> there should be no real compiled code in Phobos that will be affected. 
> Just change the source and everything will be good.

OK I've done that. works great now.
> But do also file a bug please.

> -Steve

Thanks for your help!
Johannes Pfau

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