Segmentation fault on closing file in destructor

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Sep 27 04:19:36 PDT 2010

On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 20:55:33 +0200, Tom Kazimiers wrote:
> If I would use std.stdio.File, what would be different?

Well, for one thing you won't have to write your code all over again when is deprecated, which will happen soon.  std.stdio.File is 
really what you should use for file I/O in new code.

That said, there's a chance it does exactly what you want.  You don't 
have to open a file on construction, there's an open() function which 
opens a file and assigns it to the File handle.  Nor do you have to worry 
about closing the file in the destructor, as it is automatically closed 
the moment the last reference to it goes out of scope.

Here are a few examples of how to use it:

  File file;    // File's a struct, so no need to use 'new'

  // Read a text file line by line"foo.txt");
  foreach (line; file.byLine())  writeln(line);

  // Read a binary file in 4MB chunks"foo.dat");
  foreach (ubyte[] chunk; file.byChunk(4*1024))

  // Read up to 100 ints from a file"myInts");
  auto buffer = new int[100];
  auto data = file.rawRead(buffer);

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