Unmatched static array size assignment

simendsjo simen.endsjo at pandavre.com
Thu Apr 14 10:04:56 PDT 2011

On 13.04.2011 22:56, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> Code:
> void main()
> {
>      static string[2] szFormat = ["%s, %s"];
> }
> This compiles, but this is buggy code. The first declaration should have been:
> static string[2] szFormat = ["%s", "%s"];
> I can't tell whether the first case is legit code. You might *want* to initialize all the elements with the same single initializer. But in that case, you would write:
> static string[2] szFormat = "%s, ";
> So, without the '[]'.
> If you remove static from the declaration (it's still a static array, I know!), you'll get a nice runtime error:
> object.Exception at src\rt\arraycat.d(31): lengths don't match for array copy
> Actually it's not a nice error message since you can't even tell what causes the error.
> So in retrospect:
> // no error until a call to writefln,
> // which could still potentially not fail =>  possible bugs
> string[2] szFormat = ["%s, %s"];
> // error at runtime, the compiler could have caught this though
> static string[2] szFormat2 = ["%s, %s"];

Why is this a bug? Static means it's only one instance (per thread), 
right? The compiler cannot know if you meant to fill the entire array or 
if you meant something like this

static string[2] szFormat = ["%s, %s"];

void main() {
     szFormat[1] = "%d";
     assert(szFormat == ["%s, %s", "%d"]);

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