std.regex with multiple matches

Kai Meyer kai at
Thu Apr 21 13:29:46 PDT 2011

On 04/21/2011 11:43 AM, David Gileadi wrote:
> I was using std.regex yesterday, matching a regular expression against a
> string with the "g" flag to find multiple matches. As the example from
> the docs shows (BTW I think the example may be wrong; I think it needs
> the "g" flag added to the regex call), you can do a foreach loop on the
> matches like:
> foreach(m; match("abcabcabab", regex("ab")))
> {
> writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,;
> }
> Each match "m" is a RegexMatch, which includes .pre, .hit, and .post
> properties to return ranges of everything before, inside, and after the
> match.
> However what I really wanted was a way to get the range between matches,
> i.e. since I had multiple matches I wanted something like m.upToNextMatch.
> Since I'm not very familiar with ranges, am I missing some obvious way
> of doing this with the existing .pre, .hit and .post properties?
> -Dave

There's two ways I can think of off the top of my head.

I don't think D supports "look ahead", but if it did you could match 
something, then capture the portion afterwards (in m.captures[1]) that 
matches everything up until the look ahead (which is what you matched in 
the first place).

Otherwise, you could manually capture the ranges like this (captures the 
first word character after each word boundry, then prints the remaining 
portion of the word until the next word boundary followed by a word 

import std.stdio;
import std.regex;

void main()
     size_t last_pos;
     size_t last_size;
     string abc = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
     foreach(m; match(abc, regex(r"\b\w")))
         writefln("between: '%s'", abc[last_pos + last_size..m.pre.length]);
         writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,;
         last_size = m.hit.length;
         last_pos = m.pre.length;
     writefln("between: '%s'", abc[last_pos + last_size..$]);
// Prints:
// between: ''
// [t]he quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
// between: 'he '
// the [q]uick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
// between: 'uick '
// the quick [b]rown fox jumped over the lazy dog
// between: 'rown '
// the quick brown [f]ox jumped over the lazy dog
// between: 'ox '
// the quick brown fox [j]umped over the lazy dog
// between: 'umped '
// the quick brown fox jumped [o]ver the lazy dog
// between: 'ver '
// the quick brown fox jumped over [t]he lazy dog
// between: 'he '
// the quick brown fox jumped over the [l]azy dog
// between: 'azy '
// the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy [d]og
// between: 'og'

If you replace '\b\w' with '\s' it should help illuminate the way it works:

between: 'the'
the[ ]quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
between: 'quick'
the quick[ ]brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
between: 'brown'
the quick brown[ ]fox jumped over the lazy dog
between: 'fox'
the quick brown fox[ ]jumped over the lazy dog
between: 'jumped'
the quick brown fox jumped[ ]over the lazy dog
between: 'over'
the quick brown fox jumped over[ ]the lazy dog
between: 'the'
the quick brown fox jumped over the[ ]lazy dog
between: 'lazy'
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy[ ]dog
between: 'dog'

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