How to spawn variable-length functions?

Andrej Mitrovic none at none.none
Tue Apr 26 11:48:46 PDT 2011

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

void print(int[] a...)
    foreach(b; a)

void main()
    int value;
    spawn(&writeln, value);
    spawn(&print, value);

Neither of these calls will work. I want to continuously print some values but without blocking the thread that issues the call to print, and without using locks. Since it's a print function I need it to take a variable number of arguments.

How do I go around doing this? Perhaps I could use some kind of global Variant[] that is filled with values, and a foreground thread pops each value as it comes in and prints it?

Or maybe I should use send()?

I'm looking for something fast which doesn't slow down or pause the work thread.

Multithreading is hard business. :]

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