How do you test pre-/post-conditions and invariants?

Magnus Lie Hetland magnus at
Fri Feb 25 14:20:10 PST 2011

On 2011-02-25 17:48:54 +0100, spir said:

> On 02/25/2011 04:30 PM, Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
>> Or, more generally, how do you test asserts (which is what I'm using in my
>> preconditions etc.)?
>> As far as I can see, collectException() won't collect errors, which is what
>> assert() throws -- so what's the standard way of writing unit tests for
>> preconditions that use assert? (I.e., test that they will, in fact, throw when
>> you break them.)
> See the page on DbC:
> Denis

Hm. I'm not sure how this answers my question. I know how 
pre/postconditions etc. work -- I was asking for how to test them in a 
unit test (i.e., ensure that they'll kick in if you provide faulty 
intput, for example). Maybe I'm missing something in the doc you 
referred me to?

Magnus Lie Hetland

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