string vs. w/char*

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Mon Feb 28 04:58:43 PST 2011

On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 07:34:39 -0500, Tyro[a.c.edwards] <nospam at>  

> The bellow code attempts to use LoadStringA() to initialize _buf.  
> However, regardless of what form _buf takes, the body of the if  
> statement is always executed. I've attempted to use every type of string  
> available in D to include char* _buf[MAX_RESSTRING+1] and setting  
> _buf[MAX_RESSTRING] = '\0'; What am I doing incorrectly?
> Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
> class ResString
> {
>    enum { MAX_RESSTRING = 255 }
>    alias getBuffer this;
>    @property string getBuffer() { return _buf; }
>    this(HINSTANCE hInst, int resId)
>    {
>      _buf.length = MAX_RESSTRING;
>      SetLastError(0);
>      if(!LoadStringA(hInst, resId, cast(char*)toStringz(_buf),  
> _buf.length + 1))
>      {
>        throw new WinException("Load String failed");
>      }
>    }
> private:
>    string _buf;
> }

You should not be overwriting buf, it is immutable.  You need to make a  
new buffer each time.

     this(HINSTANCE hInst, int resId)

       auto mybuf = new char[MAX_RESSTRING];
       auto nchars = LoadStringA(hInst, resId, mybuf.ptr, mybuf.length);
         throw new WinException("Load String failed");
       _buf = assumeUnique(mybuf[0..nchars]);

If this isn't working, you might consider that the string you are trying  
to load doesn't actually exist (that is a valid condition).  What is the  
error from GetLastError ?


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