String Appender Fails (Memory Allocation Failure)

Loopback elliott.darfink at
Wed Jul 13 16:11:34 PDT 2011

On 2011-07-14 01:11, Loopback wrote:
> Hello!
> I've been working on a project where I had to do all memory handling
> explicitly because no destructors were called. When I got too tired
> of the explicit memory handling I decided to trace what was causing
> this error. After hours of code stripping I had gotten myself a
> small concrete sample which could demonstrate the error.
> Now to the point; I create a program using WinMain as entry point. The
> program template i use, is identical to the win32 template on the
> D-Website. If you have used this template you know that all user code
> goes within the function "myWinMain". In this function I declare a class
> named Foo. When I create this class an empty constructor is called, and
> then the function "myWinMain" returns.
> Now the program calls Runtime.terminate, which is supposed to take
> care of the memory garbage and etc. This does not work. The terminate
> function call throws an Error, "Memory Allocation Failure".
> This failure originates in the 'Foo' destructor, which in turn creates
> a appender object of type string. My question is; how come this throws
> an error?
Not to forget the important part:

// Import WINAPI

// Core API
import core.runtime;

// For appender
import std.range;

extern (Windows) int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE 
hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	int result;
	void exceptionHandler(Throwable e) { throw e; }
		result = myWinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow);
	// If you use "Exception" object instead here, the program fails
	// silently without any MessageBox of any kind. The program, in this 
case quits
	// automatically after about 7-12 seconds, without any destructors called.
	// If you instead use Error object to catch the error, a message pops
	// up saying, "Memory Allocation Failure", why?
	catch (/*Exception*/Error o) // catch any uncaught exceptions
		MessageBoxA(null, cast(char *) o.toString(), "Error", MB_OK | 
		result = 0;// failed
	return result;

int myWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR 
lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	Foo foo = new Foo;
	return (foo !is null);

class Foo
		// This line causes memory allocation failure
		auto writer = appender!string();

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