smarter reflection issue

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Fri Jun 17 14:16:02 PDT 2011

Lloyd Dupont Wrote:

> Hi Jesse, this won't work!
> It's my fault in not explaining my problem well though...
> I forget to mention something...
> I'm using property syntax and try to call the method
> Say I have
> =====
> private int _foo;
> @property public int Foo() { return _foo; }
> @property public void Foo(int value) { _foo = value; }
> =====
> if I call MEMBER(MyClass, "Foo")
> I'd like to do some static test for "int Foo()" and "void Foo(int)"
> So... how will I go on solving that?

I don't remember how to package these up nicely:

void MEMBER(T, string fun)(T m) if(expectedType!(T, fun).valid) {

template expectedType(T, string fun) {
	private T s;
	static if(mixin("__traits(compiles, s."~fun~" = 0) && is(typeof(s."~fun~") : int)"))
		enum valid = true;
		enum valid = false;

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