std.zlib and other tools

Johannes Pfau spam at
Wed Mar 2 23:53:03 PST 2011

Jesse Phillips wrote:
>I'm just wondering if anyone else has an issue with using std.zlib
>with other programs such as gzip and 7-zip? zlib creates and loads gz
>files right?
>The library works perfectly with itself, but I can't read or write
>compressed files from other popular programs.
>mport std.stdio;
>import std.file;
>import std.zlib;
>auto searchFolder = r".";
>void main() {
>   foreach(string de; dirEntries(searchFolder, SpanMode.shallow)) {
>      if(de[$-"gz".length..$] != "gz") {
>         auto data = read(de);
>         std.file.write(de ~ ".gz", compress(data));
>      }
>   }
>   foreach(string de; dirEntries(searchFolder, SpanMode.shallow)) {
>      if(de[$-"gz".length..$] == "gz") {
>         auto data = read(de);
>         std.file.write(de ~ ".txt", uncompress(data));
>      }
>   }
I think this could be the reason:
Johannes Pfau
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