Cannot interpret struct at compile time

Robert Clipsham robert at
Sat May 7 15:17:14 PDT 2011

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to why the following 
code does not compile (dmd2, latest release or the beta):
struct Foo
     int a;

string test()
         string str = "struct " ~ Foo.stringof ~ "_{";
         foreach (j, f; Foo.tupleof)
             enum fullFieldName = Foo.tupleof[j].stringof;
             str ~= typeof(f).stringof ~ ' ' ~ 
fullFieldName[Foo.stringof.length + 3 .. $];
         return str ~ "}";

void main()
If fails with the errors:
test.d(9): Error: Cannot interpret Foo at compile time
test.d(19): Error: cannot evaluate test() at compile time
test.d(19): Error: argument to mixin must be a string, not (test())
test.d(19): Error: cannot evaluate test() at compile time
test.d(19): Error: argument to mixin must be a string, not (test())



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