How To Dynamic Web Rendering?

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Thu May 12 07:45:12 PDT 2011

> Could you share how or show an URL that provide sample code to do
> that in D?

Check out my D api demo:

Here's the source code (about 50 lines of D)

And the HTML templates it uses:

The libraries it imports are available here

That demo shows something relatively new I made to provide same
source access to HTML and Javascript that uses D's reflection to
auto-generate almost everything.

You can also do more traditional style web apps. Here's a gradient
generator written in D:


It uses my cgi.d from the dcode folder above. This code has a few
features so it isn't the simplest demo, about 150 lines. It makes
the png and sends it right out over the web.

Hello world with cgi.d looks like this:

import arsd.cgi;
void main() {
   auto cgi = new Cgi();
   cgi.write("Hello, world!");

In all my examples though, I used mixins for main functions instead
of writing them directly because the mixin adds try/catch for
exceptions and handles the create and close too. This would look like:

import arsd.cgi;
void run() { cgi.write("Hello, world!"); }
mixin GenericMain!run;

I also often use my D DOM library in web code too, which you see
in the first example. That library is available in my folder too.

> So we use external tool to do that and not a build in one??

Yes, something like signtool.exe from Microsoft works for Windows

Generally, if you can do it to a C++ program, you can do it to a
D program too.

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