correct way to create boiler plate code

dmerrio rdmerrio at
Mon May 16 12:08:59 PDT 2011

I am parsing some formulas from a spreadsheet file. To duplicate
the behavior of the spreadsheet functions, I am having to create a
lot of boiler plate code that maps from the spreadsheet functions
to the built-in functions. Mixin would seem to allow me to
automate the boiler-plate creation, but i am not utilizing it
correctly. What is the correct to call Mixin in this situation, or
is their a better way to create the boiler-plate code?

For background, i am new to D. D is my second language with my
primary experience being a script kiddie in Excel VBA, so take it
slow, please.

import main; //class definition of rng
import std.math; //trig functions
import std.conv; //to!double
import std.string; //toupper

double transFunc(alias transedentalFunc)(rng aRng){
(double)));} //cellValue stored as a Variant
().coerce!(string))));} //replicate spreadsheet behavior and
convert to a number

//Example 1 of boilerplate code
double SIN(double aReal){return(sin(aReal));}
double SIN(string aStr){return(sin(to!double(aStr)));}
double SIN(rng aRng){return(transFunc!(sin)(aRng));}

//Example 2 of boilerplate code
double COS(double aReal){return(cos(aReal));}
double COS(string aStr){return(cos(to!double(aStr)));}
double COS(rng aRng){return(transFunc!(cos)(aRng));}

string[] funcs = ["tan"];
void createFuncs(){
	foreach(func; funcs){
		mixin("double " ~ toupper(func) ~ "(double aReal)
{return(" ~ func ~ "(aReal));}");

calling mixin a compile time has the following error...

Error	1	Error: variable func cannot be read at compile time
	C:\D\SVNProjects\trunk\xcellD\xcell1\trig.d	22

thanks for your help

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