(Windows) beginner woes....

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Thu May 19 10:06:20 PDT 2011

Lloyd Dupont Wrote:

> 1]. ok, I unzipped dmd.zip and dm.zip. what's this dm.zip for?

You shouldn't need dm.zip anymore. It used to be contain Digital Mars programs for dmd, Optlink I believe. But they are inculded in the dmd.zip now.

> It complain that "all.d" is missing. Why does it 
> need a source file? I though the .lib file contained all necessary info and 
> gone were the headers file!
> + how can I fix that?

No. The .lib file is justly like every other .lib. Header files are gone, you just use the source files (no need for separation of declaration and implementation). But the contents of the lib must be known at compile time and that is provided either by a .d file or a .di file.

> To summarize I'm quite confused by the directory structure, where do I 
> install .lib file, why do I need an import directory

.lib goes in a location that the linker can find, the include directory is source files for the compiler to know what symbols your program will be using.

> Also, lastly, how do I compile 32bit or 64bits? I want to target 32 bits for 
> sure! (even though I'm on a 64 bits machine!) 

No 64bit for windows yet.

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