github: What to do when unittests fail?

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Tue May 24 05:57:37 PDT 2011

On 5/24/11, David Nadlinger <see at> wrote:
> master, then create a feature branch for your pull request (»git
> checkout -b spiffy-new-feature«).

Ok, but what about the errors in my original post? I should make sure
all unittests pass when I make a pull request, right?

If that's required I think I'd have to first checkout an older commit.
But I'm not sure which one. There's a bunch of them for dates May 16th
and older listed here:

E.g. this one:
It says:
>From git://
   3b628ae..d1d8124  master     -> origin/master

I'm not sure what 3b628ae..d1d8124 means, should I do "git checkout
d1d8124" or something similar to get this commit?

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