Not true for Java about Function Hijacking.

Dan Olson at
Thu May 26 00:57:38 PDT 2011

I recall specific cases, though, in which hijacking can happen in java.  I
coded them up to make sure I remembed it correctly.  Imagine a base
class A and subclass B.

=-=-= file =-=-= 
public class A {
       // pretty boring

=-=-= file =-=-=
public class B extends A {
   private void foo(long x) {

   private void put(Object o) {

   public void doStuff() {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      B b = new B();

As is, doStuff() prints:

But in a new version of the base class A, some new methods are added
that are intended to be overriden.

public class A {
    // These methods are added later and hijack B's methods because they
    // match better
    public void foo(int x) {System.out.println("");}
    public void put(A a) {System.out.println("");}

Because they are a better match for the arg types in doStuff(), they are
called instead.  But that's not what the designer of class B intended :-(

It compiles with javac without warning.  Now the output from doStuff()

// Opposite case.  A subclass hijacks functions of a base class

class X {
    // launch is a new function that a designer intended to be
    // overridable.  But the designer has no way of knowing that launch() 
    // is already implemented in a subclass somewhere (some other 
    // company perhaps), and it does something completely different.

    public void launch(int x) {
        // Launch application ID x
        System.out.println("X.launch app id " + x);

    public void cleanup() {

// When class Y was designed, X didn't have a launch method

class Y extends X {
    // If @Override keyword was required for overrides, then this
    // would be flagged.  Or at least provide a switch to warn about this.
    public void launch(int sec) {
        // Launch the missle in 'sec' seconds
        System.out.println("Y.launch missle in " + sec + " sec");

    public static final void main(final String[] args) {
       Y y = new Y();

Mathew, it sounds like netbeans flags this case, but I think it will go
unnoticed if your builds are done with something like ant and javac.

Dan Olson

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