Passing ref through a template chain

Steve Teale steve.teale at
Mon Oct 3 06:08:10 PDT 2011

To bind variables, the MySQL api wants their addresses - in my tiny example
below, these are represented by the void*[].

If I just use something like setTarget in the example, it works fine, but then
when I try to set a bunch of them in one go I'm hosed because I can't get the
right addresses through the chain.

import std.stdio;

void*[2] vpa;

void setTarget(T)(ref T t, int i)
   vpa[i] = &t;

void setSeveral(T...)(ref T args)
   foreach (int i, arg; args)
      setTarget(&arg, i);

//ref.d|19|Error: variable i cannot be read at compile time|
//ref.d|19|Error: variable i cannot be read at compile time|
//ref.d|19|Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of cast(uint)i|
void setSeveral2(T...)(ref T args)
   for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
      setTarget(args[i], i);

void main()
   bool a;
   int b;
   setSeveral(a, b);
   writefln("orig %x %x, set %x %x", &a, &b, vpa[0], vpa[1]); // addresses differ

The problem arises I believe in 'foreach (int i, arg; args)' which makes a
copy for 'arg'. Usually in a foreach I can get round that by making it 'ref
arg'. But in the template function that does not work.

I can't use the setSeveral2() form, because that provokes the errors shown in
the comments.

How can I force the real addresses through the chain?


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