Dealing with property function and operator overloads

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Oct 3 08:52:20 PDT 2011

Sample code:

struct Point
    int x, y;

    void opOpAssign(string op)(int rhs)
        mixin("x = x " ~ op ~ " rhs;");
        mixin("y = y " ~ op ~ " rhs;");

struct Wrapper
    void notifyChanged() { }
    @property void point(Point newpoint) { _p = newpoint; notifyChanged(); }
    @property Point point() { return _p; }

    private Point _p;

void main()
    auto wrap = Wrapper();
    wrap.point = Point(1, 1);
    assert(wrap.point == Point(1, 1));

    wrap.point += 1;
    assert(wrap.point != Point(2, 2));  // oops

I want to get notified when the _p field is changed. A property
function works for assignments, but by using property functions I lose
any operator overloads Point might have.

I was thinking I could provide some sort of injecting mechanism into
the Point definition, so I could get rid of property functions and
instead do something like this:

struct Wrapper
        point.changed = ¬ifyChanged;
    public Point point;

Has anyone ran into this issue before, and if so how did you work around it?

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