operator overloading and templates

jimmy zsu0915 at yahoo.com.tw
Tue Oct 4 09:24:52 PDT 2011


I have the following code.

struct Foo(int DIM) {
	Foo!(DIM) opBinary(string op) (Foo!(DIM) rhs)
		if (op == "+" || op == "-")
		return Foo!(DIM)();

unittest {
	auto u = Foo!(2)();
	auto v = Foo!(2)();
	assert(u + v == u);

I got the following during my test.

Z:\proj\D\gas>rdmd --main -unittest a.d
rdmd --main -unittest a.d
a.d(12): Error: incompatible types for ((u) + (v)): 'Foo!(2)' and
Failed: dmd -unittest -v -o- "a.d" -I"." >a.d.deps

I have no idea why the incompatible types error occurred.

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