Sudoku Py / C++11 / D?

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Wed Aug 15 02:59:30 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 22:31:16 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> His C++11 port is 316 lines long:
> How many lines for a (not golfed) D translation of the original 
> Python code?
> Bye,
> bearophile

In an attempt to directly recreate the original Python code (in 
the spirit of the "challenge" :) I came up with this.  It is only 
complete up to the first test in the original article (the easy 
puzzle that is solved by the parser alone).

module sudoku;

import  std.algorithm   ,
         std.array       ,
         std.conv        ,
         std.exception   ,
         std.range       ,
         std.stdio       ,
         std.string      ,
         std.traits      ;

alias string[ string ] Values;

bool all ( R )( R input )
if ( isInputRange!R ) {
     foreach ( elem ; input ) {
         if ( !elem ) {
             return false;
     return true;

string[] cross ( RA, RB ) ( RA a, RB b )
if (
     && isForwardRange!RB
     && isImplicitlyConvertible!( ElementType!RB, ElementType!RA )
     && isSomeChar!( ElementType!RA )
) {
     Appender!( dchar[][] ) output;
     foreach ( dchar _a ; a ) {
         foreach ( dchar _b ; ) {
             output.put( [ _a, _b ] );
     return!( string[] )();

unittest {
     auto x = "ab";
     auto y = "12";
     assert( cross( x, y ) == [ `a1`, `a2`, `b1`, `b2` ] );

enum NUM_SQUARES      = 81;
enum NUM_UNITS        = 27;

enum DIGITS = `123456789`;
enum ROWS   = `ABCDEFGHI`;
enum COLS   = DIGITS;

enum SQUARES = cross( ROWS, COLS );

enum ROW_SEGS = [ ROWS[ 0 .. 3 ], ROWS[ 3 .. 6 ], ROWS[ 6 .. 9 ] 
enum COL_SEGS = [ COLS[ 0 .. 3 ], COLS[ 3 .. 6 ], COLS[ 6 .. 9 ] 

enum ROW_UNITS =!( c => cross( ROWS, [ c ] ) )();
enum COL_UNITS =!( r => cross( [ r ], COLS ) )();

string[][][ string ] units;
string[]  [ string ] peers;

int main ( string[] args ) {
     if ( args.length != 2 ) {
         writefln( "USAGE: %s <grid-data>", args[ 0 ] );
         return 1;

     auto unitlist = ROW_UNITS.array()
                   ~ COL_UNITS.array()
                   ~ (
                             rs =>
                   !( cs => cross( rs, cs ) 

     foreach ( s ; SQUARES ) {
         auto us = unitlist.filter!( u => u.canFind( s ) 
         units[ s ] = us;
         peers[ s ] =
             .filter!( e => e != s )() .array()
             .uniq() .array()

     debug {
         assert( SQUARES.length == NUM_SQUARES );
         assert( unitlist.length == NUM_UNITS );

         foreach ( s ; SQUARES ) {
             assert( units[ s ].length == UNITS_PER_SQUARE , 
`Wrong number of units for square ` ~ s );
             assert( peers[ s ].length == PEERS_PER_SQUARE , 
`Wrong number of peers for square ` ~ s );

         assert( units[ `C2` ] == [[`A2`, `B2`, `C2`, `D2`, `E2`, 
`F2`, `G2`, `H2`, `I2`],
                                   [`C1`, `C2`, `C3`, `C4`, `C5`, 
`C6`, `C7`, `C8`, `C9`],
                                   [`A1`, `A2`, `A3`, `B1`, `B2`, 
`B3`, `C1`, `C2`, `C3`]] );

         assert( peers[ `C2` ] == [`A1`, `A2`, `A3`, `B1`, `B2`, 
`B3`, `C1`, `C3`, `C4`, `C5`,
                                   `C6`, `C7`, `C8`, `C9`, `D2`, 
`E2`, `F2`, `G2`, `H2`, `I2`] );

         writeln( `All tests pass.` );

     auto values = parseGrid( args[ 1 ] );
     display( values );

     return 0;

Values parseGrid ( string grid ) {
     Values result;

     foreach ( s ; SQUARES ) {
         result[ s ] = DIGITS;
     foreach ( s, d ; gridValues( grid ) ) {
         if ( ( d >= '1' && d <= '9' ) && !assign( result, s, d ) 
) {
             throw new Exception( `Failed to assign given ` ~ d ~ 
` to square ` ~ s );
     return result;

auto gridValues ( string grid ) {
     char[ string ] result;

     auto chars = grid.filter!( e => ( e >= '0' && e <= '9' ) || e 
== '.' )().to!string();
     enforce( chars.length == 81 );
     foreach ( i, s ; SQUARES ) {
         result[ s ] = chars[ i ];
     return result;

bool assign ( ref Values values, string square, dchar digit ) {
     bool result = true;

     auto other = values[ square ].remove( digit );
     if (!( d2 => eliminate( values, square, d2 ) 
)().all() ) {
         return true;
     else {
         return false;

bool eliminate ( ref Values values, string square, dchar digit ) {
     if ( !values[ square ].canFind( digit ) ) {
         // Already eliminated.
         return true;

     auto other = values[ square ].remove( digit );
     values[ square ] = other;

     // (1) If a square is reduced to one value d2, then eliminate 
d2 from the peers.
     if ( other.length == 0 ) {
         return false; // Contradiction: removed last value.
     else if ( other.length == 1 ) {
         if ( ! peers[ square ].map!( s => eliminate( values, s, 
other[ 0 ] ) )().all() ) {
             return false;

     // (2) If a unit u is reduced to only one place for a digit, 
then put it there.
     foreach ( u ; units[ square ] ) {
         auto dplaces = u.filter!( s => values[ s ].canFind( digit 
) )().array();
         if ( dplaces.length == 0 ) {
             return false; // Contradiction: no place for this 
         else if ( dplaces.length == 1 ) {
             // digit can only be in one place in unit; assign it 
             if ( ! assign( values, dplaces[ 0 ], digit ) ) {
                 return false;

     return true;

string remove ( string s, dchar c ) {
     return s.removechars( [ c ].to!string() );

void display ( Values values ) {
     auto width = 1 +!( s => values[ s ].length 
)().array().minPos!`a > b`()[ 0 ];
     auto seg   = std.range.repeat( '-', width * 3 ).array();
     auto line  = format( "\n%s+%s+%s", seg, seg, seg );

     foreach ( r ; ROWS ) {
         foreach ( c ; COLS ) {
             write( values[ [ r, c ] ].center( width ) );
             write( c == '3' || c == '6' ? `|` : `` );
         if ( r == 'C' || r == 'F' ) {
             write( line );

Sample of execution:
grant at aesgard ~/Projects/D/Sudoku/translated $ dmd sudoku.d 
-debug -property -unittest -w -wi
grant at aesgard ~/Projects/D/Sudoku/translated $ time ./sudoku 
All tests pass.
4 8 3 |9 2 1 |6 5 7
9 6 7 |3 4 5 |8 2 1
2 5 1 |8 7 6 |4 9 3
5 4 8 |1 3 2 |9 7 6
7 2 9 |5 6 4 |1 3 8
1 3 6 |7 9 8 |2 4 5
3 7 2 |6 8 9 |5 1 4
8 1 4 |2 5 3 |7 6 9
6 9 5 |4 1 7 |3 8 2

real    0m0.012s
user    0m0.010s
sys     0m0.001s

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