Memory detection

1100110 10equals2 at
Fri Aug 24 13:52:02 PDT 2012

On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 15:42:21 -0500, Dmitry Olshansky  
<dmitry.olsh at> wrote:

> On 24-Aug-12 07:03, 1100110 wrote:
>> On linux this is not so difficult to do.
>> Those values are generally in /proc, and it seems to be portable across
>> pretty much every distro with a relatively recent kernel.
>> I have an extremely half-assed bit of code that prints the load average
>> and the totaly % of mem used to my tmux session.
>> It gives the exact same values that are seen in top, or htop.(without
>> the overhead of parsing their output, cause that takes ~500ms, way too
>> slow.)
> If parsing takes 500ms then something is seriously wrong. What is size  
> of the input to parse and the machine specs?
No, you misunderstand.

Parsing the output of the `top` command takes ~500ms.

The snippet of code that reads /proc directly takes an order of magnitude  
less time.

I assume that top reads several times, and also reads the percentages of  
each process that is running, while I only
read the load average and total memory consumption.

The vast majority of the time spent parsing `top` was spent waiting for it  
to initialize, and print the values to be read.

Parsing was probably the wrong word to use.

Reading from /proc directly will take an order of magnitude less time.

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