Variadic templates with aliases

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at
Thu Dec 27 13:21:07 PST 2012

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 9:01 PM, comco <void.unsigned at> wrote:

> I wrote a simple template mixin to hold common operator overloads:
> mixin template VectorSpaceOpsMixin(Vector, Scalar, alias a, alias b)
> {
>     Vector opUnary(string op)() if (op == "-") {
>         return Vector(-a, -b);
>     }
>     ...
> }
> This works like this:
> struct complex {
>     double a, b;
>     mixin VectorSpaceOpsMixin!(complex, double, a, b);
>     ...
> }
> Now this is nice, but it only works when the vector has 2 parts. Can the
> mixin template be made more general? What will then be its definition? This
> don't work:
> mixin template `VectorSpaceOpsMixin(Vector, Scalar, alias... parts) { ...
> }`

First, the `Vector` part is redundant. You can use `typeof(this)` inside
your mixin to have it 'look around` when it's being mixed in and determine
the type of the local `this`.

So you mixin can become:

    mixin VectorSpaceOpsMixin!(double, a, b);

The `double` part could be deduced also, but it depends what kind of layout
you envision for your host structs. I'll let it there.

Now, concerning your question, you can make `parts` a template tuple

    VectorSpaceOpsMixin(Vector, Scalar, args...) {

The trouble is then that

    mixin VectorSpaceOpsMixin!(complex, double, a, b);

will have `args` be the tuple (a,b) (it contains the symbols, not directly
the value themselves). Tuples are not arithmetic values in D (that would
not make sense for most tuples), so you cannot do `-args` directly.

>From there, it depends whether you really want the flexibility that passing
a and b around gives you, or if you can make some simplifying assumptions
concerning your host struct.

Solution #1: full flexibility: you want to keep the capability to name the
fields upon which the mixin will act.

That way, even with

    struct Vector { double a,b,c; }

you can have

    mixin VectorSpaceOpsMixin!(Scalar, a,b); // Look Ma, no c!

You can iterate on `args`. By using `.stringof` on its elements, you get
"this.a", "this.b", ... From that, you can create the wanted code. Here is
a possibility:

mixin template VectorSpaceOpsMixin(Scalar, args...)
    typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() if (op == "-") {
        typeof(this) temp;
        // "temp.a = -this.a;"...
        foreach(index, arg; args)
            mixin("temp" ~ args[index].stringof[4..$] ~ " = -" ~
args[index].stringof ~ ";");

        return temp;

It creates a temporary, but then a direct return solution would also have
to make one. The only thing I'm not sure is when using floating point
types: `temp.a` and `temp.b` are all initialized with NaN. I don't know if
it's slow to assign another floating point to a NaN. I guess a one line
solution is doable, with a bit of string mixin magic.

Btw, of course, there will be many duplication between the different
arithmetic operators. You can also write another template to, er, write
your mixin for you. But I personally wouldn't bother: it's easier to
maintain explicit code.

Solution # 2: the mixin will act on all fields inside the struct => no need
to pass the names around. In this case, I would even use the first field as
the type of Scalar.

Everything is greatly simplified:

mixin template VectorSpaceOpsMixin2() // no args!
    typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() if (op == "-") {
        typeof(this) temp;

        foreach(index, ref arg; temp.tupleof)
            arg = -this.tupleof[index];

        return temp;

struct Complex {
    double a, b;
    mixin VectorSpaceOpsMixin2;

Don't worry about the foreach: it's all unrolled at compile-time.
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