A GUI library to begin with

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 07:24:37 PST 2012

On Wednesday, 8 February 2012 at 03:55:41 UTC, Mr. Anonymous 
> Hello,
> I want to start playing with D, and I'm looking at a GUI 
> library to begin with.
> From what I see here:
> http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GuiLibraries
> I have four choices:
> GtkD, DWT, DFL, DGui.
> Has anyone tried these? Any suggestions?
> What is the status of DWT? What's the difference between DFL 
> and DGui? Why does GTK suck (I read that a couple of times).
> Thanks.

I think GtkD is stated to suck because it isn't native to Windows 
or Mac, both in look and availability. I've used DFL and DWT. DFL 
is fairly small in comparison. There is also Entice designer 
which is a graphical way to create a GUI. It outputs DFL and at 
DWT (when dwt was for D1, not in its current state). I usually 
use it just to find components to use.

DWT has been my favorite of all GUI's I've used. But I haven't 
attempted the same kinds of things which I've done in other 

The documentation on DFL isn't great, but it has some. DWT is the 
SWT documentation so it requires some language translation.

wxD is also updated for D2, I believe and moved

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