class templates and static if

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Wed Feb 29 11:09:42 PST 2012

On 02/28/2012 02:12 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 > On 28.02.2012 2:17, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 >> I have played with this optimization recently. (Could be dmd 2.057.) No,
 >> dmd did not optimize a straightforward switch statement over a ubyte
 >> expression with about two hundred ubyte cases.
 > Hate to say it but I see it in real-world code, VM performance almost
 > doubled.

That's really good to hear. Perhaps my experiments were either naive, or 
a series of "cmp xxx je xxx" would be faster, say for the ubyte type 
that I've used.

 > Mm care to share you experiments?

Here is a program that mixes-in a lookup function that contains a single 
switch statement that covers the entire 256 values of ubyte:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

string oneCase(FromT, ToT)(FromT fromExpr, ToT toExpr)
         " case " ~ to!string(fromExpr)
         ~ ": return " ~ to!string(ToT.init) ~ "; ";

string manyCases(FromT, ToT)(size_t count)
     string result;

     ToT fromExpr;
     foreach (i; 0 .. count) {
         result ~= oneCase(fromExpr, 42);

     return result;

string lookUpFunc(FromT, ToT)(size_t count)
     immutable header = ToT.stringof ~ " lookUp(" ~ FromT.stringof
                        ~ " expr) { switch (expr) { ";
     immutable cases = manyCases!(FromT, ToT)(count);
     immutable footer = " default: return " ~ to!string(ToT.init) ~ "; } }";

     return header ~ cases ~ footer;

void main()
     enum funcWithManyCases = lookUpFunc!(ubyte, ubyte)(256);

     writeln("Mixing-in: ", funcWithManyCases);

     assert(lookUp(42) == 0);

I compiled with -O and then used obj2asm to see that there are 256 cmp 
xxx jmp xxx instructions.


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