~= call copy ctor?

Namespace rswhite4 at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 19 07:21:40 PDT 2012

Ok, so if a put a struct into an array, it will copied into the 
array. But then? How it is deleted?

For exmaple, i have this code:

import std.stdio;

struct Test {
	static uint _counter;

	this(int i = 0) {
		writeln("Test CTor.");


	this(this) {
		writeln("Test Copy CTor");


	~this() {
		writeln("Test DTor");

		if (_counter > 0) {

void main() {
		Test[] _arr;

		void copy_save(Test t) {
			_arr ~= t;

		void by_ref_save(ref Test t) {
			_arr ~= t;

		Test t = 42;


		writeln("end scope");

	writefln("Counter: %d", Test._counter);

_counter is still 1 but the scope is released. How is that 
Even with _arr.clear(); at the end of the scope, _counter is 
still 1.
I see one CTor and one Copy CTor but only one DTor.

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