String and opBinary

Zhenya zheny at
Fri Jun 1 12:37:36 PDT 2012

This code work

import std.stdio;

struct String
	string data;
	alias data this;
	this(string s)
		data = s;
	String opBinary(string op : "*")(string word)
		string temp;
		foreach(letter; word)
			temp ~= data;
		return String(temp);

string opBinary(string op : "*")(string data, string word)
	string temp;
	foreach(letter; word)
		temp ~= data;
	return temp;

void main()
	String word = "foo";
	String secretword = String("_") * word;
  	//string secretword = "_".opBinary!"*"(word); // compile
	writeln(secretword); // output : ___

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