Simplified socket creation and handling

Jarl André" <jarl.andre at> Jarl André" <jarl.andre at>
Tue Jun 5 11:23:28 PDT 2012

> Thank you for the Windows compatibility. I will try it out ASAP.

I have now added some subtle changes to the server and example 
echo server. I have added an example for how byte streams can be 
passed to the server by converting them to base64. In my example 
the base64 encoded data is appended to a command. In this way I 
do not have to think about support for reading and writing bytes 
to and from sockets. Its a pain so I am trying to find a way to 
simplify this communication. I may incorporate this base64 
encode/decode into the server library, but at this point 
everything is in the echoserver.d file, visible for the naked eye 

Question about Base64.decode(chomped)

Why is it possible to decode a string like "ddd"? I thought 
base64 was a strict format? I would like any encoder/decoder to 
throw exception on error not just returning whatever that was 
passed to the function.

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