regex.d(6050): not enough preallocated memory

Paul phshaffer at
Tue Jun 5 13:25:55 PDT 2012

I am trying to see if all regex matches in one file are present 
in another file.
The code works; but, part way through the nested foreach(s) I get 
the error listed in the subject line.  I would think this error 
would come up when the Regex expressions were executed not when 
I'm iterating through the resultant matches.

Is there a better way to do this or can I just allocate more 

// Execute Regex expressions
auto uniCapturesOld = match(uniFileOld, regex(r"^NAME   = 
auto uniCapturesNew = match(uniFileNew, regex(r"^NAME   = 

// Iterate through match collections to see if both files contain 
the same matches.
     foreach (matchOld; uniCapturesOld) {
         found = false;
         foreach (matchNew; uniCapturesNew) {
             // Following line is for troublshooting.
             writeln(cntOld,"  ",cntNew,"  ",matchOld.hit,"  
             if (matchOld.hit == matchNew.hit) {found=true;break;}}
         if (!found) writeln(cntNF++," ",matchOld.hit," not 

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