Constraining template's function parameter signature

Tommi tommitissari at
Thu Jun 14 05:57:26 PDT 2012

I'm trying to constrain a struct template based on a parameter 
that's supposed be a function with a certain signature. Difficult 
to explain, easier just to show the problem:

module pseudorange;

struct PseudoInputRange(T, alias advance)
     //The next line doesn't compile
     //if (is(typeof(advance(T.init)) == void))
     T m_front;
     T m_end;

     this(T begin, T end) pure nothrow
         m_front = begin;
         m_end = end;

     @property immutable(T) front() const pure nothrow
         return m_front;

     void popFront() pure nothrow

     @property bool empty() const pure nothrow
         return m_front == m_end;


module main;

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import pseudorange;

int main(string[] argv)
     alias PseudoInputRange!(int, (ref int x) {++x;}) MyRange;
     static assert(isInputRange!MyRange);

     foreach (x; MyRange(1, 11))
     return 0;

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