How to specialize templates for l-value and non-l-value arguments?

Roman D. Boiko rb at
Thu Jun 14 08:27:22 PDT 2012

I have a struct that holds an immutable pointer to some data. I 
would like to initialize it with a pointer to anything that is 
passed inside, so if it is a not an l-value, I would need to copy 
it to the heap first. How can I determine if it is an l-value? 
How to implement copying correctly? Below is my code, with 
commented unit tests at the bottom that show what I cannot do 
without specializing template functions.

struct Maybe(T)
   immutable T* payload; // pointer to data
   static immutable Maybe!T _nothing = Maybe!T(null);
   pure nothrow this(immutable(T*) payload) immutable { 
this.payload = payload; }
   pure nothrow @property bool empty() const { return payload == 
null; }
   pure nothrow @property immutable(T) front() const in{ 
assert(!empty); } body{ return *payload; }

   // factory methods
   pure nothrow static @property immutable(Maybe!T) nothing() { 
return _nothing;}
   pure nothrow static immutable(Maybe!T) just(ref immutable(T) 
data) { return Maybe!T(&data); }
   pure nothrow static immutable(Maybe!T) create(T)(immutable(T*) 
payload) {return payload == null ? _nothing : Maybe!T(payload); }

pure nothrow immutable(Maybe!T) nothing(T)() { return 
Maybe!T.nothing; }
pure nothrow immutable(Maybe!T) just(T)(ref immutable(T) data) { 
return Maybe!T.just(data); }
pure nothrow immutable(Maybe!T) maybeCreate(T)(immutable(T*) 
payload) { return Maybe!T.create(payload); }

// nothing
auto x0 = Maybe!int.nothing;
// using free factory function
auto x1 = nothing!double;

// only l-value can be passed inside
static assert(!is(typeof(Maybe!double.just(2.0))));

//// just
//immutable a = 2.0f;
//auto y0 = Maybe!float.just(a);
//assert(y0.front == a);
// using free factory function
//auto y1 = just!float(a);
//assert(y1.front == a);

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