sorting associative array's keys by values

maarten van damme maartenvd1994 at
Sun Jun 17 07:10:20 PDT 2012

another problem, when I do use shared.
My code is
    int amountTreads = 20;
    int perTrade     = (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / amountTreads;

    for (int x = 0; x < amountTreads; x++)
        //we're at the last trade, parse all the rest
        if (amountTreads - x == 1)
            spawn(&parse, lowerLimit + x * perTrade, upperLimit - x *
perTrade, thisTid);
            spawn(&parse, lowerLimit + x * perTrade, lowerLimit + (x +
1) * perTrade - 1, thisTid);

    //wait for all those treads and process the response
    for (int x = 0; x < amountTreads; x++)
		auto msg=receiveOnly!(shared int[string],shared int[string]);
        int[string] tempDemands = cast(int[string])msg[0];
        int[string] tempOffers  = cast(int[string])msg[1];
        foreach (string key; tempDemands.keys){
            demands[key] += tempDemands[key];
        foreach (string key; tempOffers.keys){
            offers[key] += tempOffers[key];
        writeln("ok, we're at ",x);

but when every tread has stopped working , that for-loop has only been
executed 17 times.

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