Swap furthest element type of an array

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 09:29:41 PDT 2012

I just had a need for this but couldn't find it in Phobos:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.range;

template SwapElem(Arr, Type)
    static if (isArray!(ElementType!Arr))
        static if (isDynamicArray!Arr)
            alias SwapElem!(ElementType!Arr, Type)[] SwapElem;
            alias SwapElem!(ElementType!Arr, Type)[Arr.length] SwapElem;
        static if (isDynamicArray!Arr)
            alias Type[] SwapElem;
            alias Type[Arr.length] SwapElem;

void main()
    alias int[2][1] IntArr;
    alias SwapElem!(IntArr, float) FloatArr;
    writeln(typeid(FloatArr));  // float[2][1]

It doesn't handle complex declarations like "int[2]*[1]". It seems
hard to do since I can't pass a naked pointer as a type to a template.
Some other clever tricks would have to be used here. But it's a worthy
start. If you can improve it feel free to do so. :)

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