Concurrency in D

Minas Mina minas_mina1990 at
Wed Jun 27 15:34:50 PDT 2012

I have been "playing" latetly with std.concurrency and 
core.thread. I like both, but they are entirely different 
approaches to concurrency.

std.concurrency: Uses message passing. Does not allow passing of 
mutable types.
core.thread: Essentially the same as the approach taken by Java.

1) Is one favoured over the other? I guess std.concurrency would 
be, because it uses messages (and I recently read somewhere that 
immutability + message passing = good thing). Well, my problem 
about is, how can send mutable data to another thread? _Can_ I do 
it? If not, how am I supposed to share data between them? Not 
everything can be immutable right? For example I would like to 
have a thread calculate the sum of the first half of an array 
while another thread would calculate the other half, and I could 
add the two results at the end.

2) What about core.thread? To do proper sync between threads in 
core.thread, semaphore, mutexes and stuff like that are needed. 
Are those "good practice" in D?

3) I have also read a bit about syncronized classes and shared 
classes/structs, altough I didn't understand it too much (well I 
didn't try too much to be honest).

For all those appoaches, which is the preffered?
For all those appoaches, which is the preffered for game 

Thank you.

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