Problem about Tuple.opEquals, const qualifier

Simen Kjærås simen.kjaras at
Sat Mar 17 16:05:24 PDT 2012

On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 17:27:21 +0100, Tongzhou Li <zhangsongcui at>  

> I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D:
> I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))();
> But I got an error
> Error: function  
> std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(double,char))).opEquals  
> (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types  
> (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const
> Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier?
> Sorry for my bad English:)

As others have pointed out, there are const-correctness bugs.

As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead of a  
linked list?
Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for easy-to-use  
perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks:

int[] stack;

stack ~= 3; // Push
stack = stack[0..$-1]; // Pop
stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.array

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