anonymous static array

Vijay Nayar vnayar at
Wed Mar 21 08:09:14 PDT 2012

Jesse's solution is correct, but I thought I'd throw in a
comment or two.

You are correct that the associative array is uninitialized
by default, and that you must initialize it.  For very small
static arrays, a simple array literal like [1, 2, 3] would
suffice, but for larger arrays, this is a pain.

Here you can take advantage of the ".init" property that every
data-type has in D.  For example, "float.init" is "NaN".  Static
arrays are a unique type (the type includes the size), and it
has a ".init" property as well.  Due to syntax constraints,
you must place the type in parenthesis to prevent the square
brackets from messing things up.

So instead of creating a temporary variable, you can do this:

void main() {
   int[100][string] bob;
   bob["happy"] = (int[100]).init;
   bob["happy"][20] = 3;
   assert(bob["happy"][20] == 3)

Have a good one,

  - Vijay

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012, Jesse Phillips wrote:

> On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 10:51:05 UTC, Stephan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an associative array with strings as keys and static arrays as 
>> values. When I access a new key, it gives me Range Error, so I think I 
>> should initialise the associative array, but how?
>> here is the code that fails:
>> int[100][string] counts;
>> counts["some_key"][20]++;
>> // core.exception.RangeError at freqSpec(26): Range violation
>> Thanks,
>> Stephan
>    int[100][string] counts;
>    int[100] a;
>    counts["some_key"] = a;
>    counts["some_key"][20]++;

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