opAssign and const?

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 21:20:37 PDT 2012

On Saturday, 5 May 2012 at 04:15:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Saturday, May 05, 2012 05:50:26 Era Scarecrow wrote:

>> Hmm maybe it should have a preference for Lvalue vs Rvalue...
>> So... Walter or Andrei?
>>   1. no match
>>   2. match with im­plicit con­ver­sions (Lvalue required)
>>   3. match with con­ver­sion to const (Lvalue required)
>>   4. match with im­plicit con­ver­sions
>>   5. match with con­ver­sion to const
>>   6. exact match
> This will likely be _very_ relevant to the proposed changes  
> which make ref and const ref work with rvalues (the details on 
> that are still  being sorted out, I believe). However, I don't 
> believe that either Walter or Andrei  pays attention to 
> D.Learn, so if you want to bring it up for discussion, post  
> about it in the main newsgroup (not to mention, your post is 
> buried enough in  this thread that many who _do_ pay attention 
> to D.Learn wouldn't see it).

  Your probably right.. Thanks, I'll repost this portion over 
there, I think I saw a topic already present that was this (or 
closely related) to this.

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