alias parameter tuples: need this to access member

Tobias Pankrath tobias at
Sat May 26 03:39:29 PDT 2012

I am writing a mixin template that uses alias parameters and 
should me instantiated in a class. With only one parameter, it 
works. But I fail with
using multiple aliases as a tuple.

This works:

mixin template print(alias x) {
     void doprint() { writeln(x); }

class A { int x; mixin print!x; }

Now I would like to do the same, but with several attributes of 
my class at once. Thus I tried tuple parameters:

mixin template print(alias b...) { ... } // seem not to be legal 

My second try was this:

mixin template print(b...)
     void doprint() {
         foreach(mem; b)

class A { int x,y; mixin print!(x, y); }

Now DMD says:  need this to access member

How can I do this? Thank you in advance :)

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