Miscellaneous question regarding std.container?

Tobias Pankrath tobias at pankrath.net
Sat Nov 3 12:02:31 PDT 2012

On Saturday, 3 November 2012 at 18:38:14 UTC, Too Embarrassed To 
Say wrote:
> The std.container starts off with container primitives. Does 
> this mean that all containers should support all these 
> primitives?  Because I could never get c.length to work for a 
> simple SList.

That is a complete list of all possible primitives that can occur 
in the interface of  a std.container. However not every container 
defines every primitive. SList for example does not define 
length, because length is required (by convention) to be O(1), 
which is impossible with the current SList implementation.

> Are there formal definitions for  U and Stuff like  in (U)(U[] 
> values...) and (string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff);

No really, these are template parameters. U needs to be implicit 
convertible to T for an SList!T and Stuff needs to be an 
InputRange of U. Which you can only know if you read the source 

> struct SList(T);   //  Implements a simple and fast 
> singly-linked list.
> Since SList is a structure and in the excellent book by 
> Andrei[A..u], he says for structure constructors ( 
> “…the compiler always defines the no-arguments 
> constructor”.
> This being the case shouldn’t one of the following compile?
> SList(int) s1;
> SList() s2;
> SList s3;
> auto s4 = SList;
> auto s5 = SList();
> auto s6 = SList(int);
You need an ! before the template parameter.

SList!int s1;
SList!(TypeTuple!(int, long)) s2;

Note that the container are reference types.

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