heap allocate empty S with variadic ctor

Dan dbdavidson at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 4 04:58:24 PST 2012

This may be a manifestation of bug 1528. In the code below how 
can I heap allocate a default S? I can't seem to get a call to 

In general structs are stack objects, but is there any problem 
with using the heap to get one?


import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

struct T { int t; }
struct S {
   T[] ts;

   this(U)(U[] values...) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T)) {
     foreach (value; values) {
       ts ~= value;
   this(this) {
     ts = ts.dup;

void main() {
   S s2;
   S s = S(T(1), T(2), T(3));
   S *sp = new S(T(8));         // fine
   S *sp2 = new S([T(2430)]);   // fine
   // No: template thisstuff.S.__ctor does not match any function 
template declaration
   // S *sp3 = new S;
   // Same - here but also 'no constructor for S'
   // S sp3 = new S([]);
   // Same
   // S sp3 = new S();

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