ref return function using foreach ref result segfaults. Compiler bug?

Rob T rob at
Tue Nov 13 00:50:15 PST 2012

Hard to describe this problem, see code and read comments below.

class A
    private int _v;
    this( int a_v )
       _v = a_v;

    @property size_t length()
    	return 1;
    int opApply( int delegate( ref int a_v ) a_dg )
       int result = 0;
       for ( ulong i = 0; i < length; ++i )
          result = a_dg( this.opIndex( i ) );
          if ( result ) break;
       return result;
    ref int opIndex( size_t a_iPos )
       return _v;


class B : A
    this( int a_v )

    ref int find( int a_What )
       foreach( val; super )
          if ( val == a_What )
             return val;
       throw new Exception("value not found");

     auto v_B = new B(500);
     writefln("Search = %d", v_B.find(500) );
     return 0;

When the return value of find() is ref, it segfaults or returns 
garbage. If the return value is a copy it works OK.

The only oddity I can see is that 'val' goes out of scope, but 
it's a ref return value (pointer) to _v (right?), so it should 
work anyway.

This looks like a bug in the compiler to me.

What do you guys think?


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