Coverting ubyte to string.

simendsjo simendsjo at
Wed Nov 14 05:49:09 PST 2012

On Wednesday, 14 November 2012 at 13:37:26 UTC, Knud Soerensen 
> Hi
> I am working with a c library which return a unsigned char *
> As suggested on
> I have converted it to (ubyte *).
> Now is there an easy way to convert this to a string ?

import std.conv;
void main() {
     char[] s = "aoeu\0".dup;
     ubyte* bs = cast(ubyte*)s.ptr;

     // If you know the length, you can use a slice
     char[] s2 = cast(char[])bs[0..s.length];
     // this includes \0
     assert(s == s2);
     // but you could of course have used s.length-1

     // or you can walk and look for \0
     char[] s3 = to!(char[])(s.ptr);
     // note that to doesn't keep the zero terminator
     assert(s3 == s[0..$-1]);

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