Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

Tommi tommitissari at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 13 01:36:18 PDT 2012

Quote from TDPL: "D’s approach to operator overloading is 
simple: whenever at least one participant in an operator 
expression is of user-defined type, the compiler rewrites the 
expression into a regular method call with a specific name. Then 
the regular language rules apply."

According to the above, I think the following code should work:

struct MyStruct
     int _value;

ref MyStruct opUnary(string op : "++")(ref MyStruct ms)
     return ms;

MyStruct opBinary(string op : "+")(MyStruct ms, int value)
     return MyStruct(ms._value + value);

void main()
     MyStruct ms;

     ms.opUnary!"++"();                 // #1: OK
     MyStruct ms2 = ms.opBinary!"+"(1); // #2: OK

     ++ms;                  // #3
     MyStruct ms3 = ms + 1; // #4

#3: Error: 'ms += 1' is not a scalar, it is a MyStruct

#4: Error: incompatible types for ((ms) + (1)):
'MyStruct' and 'int'

I'd expect the lines tagged #3 and #4 to be rewritten by the 
compiler like so:
MyStruct ms3 = ms.opBinary!"+"(1);

So, the inability to do operator overloading though UFCS must be 
a compiler bug, right?

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